Hello! I am Jessica Barthelt. I graduated from Bradley University in August 2024 with an MS Degree in Game Design. I am a well-rounded individual capable of working both on my own and with others. Creativity is my ultimate passion and I thrive on sharing it with other people. 
I have taken on numerous roles over the years, including:  
Game designer, QA tester, C# Programmer, and sound designer.
I have worked with Volition as a Systems and Missions designer on Saints Row (2022).
I have experience in Unity, Unreal Engine, Visual Studio, Photoshop, Adobe Audition, JIRA, and FMOD Studio.
I have a passion for worldbuilding, designing characters, writing narratives, and creating unique game mechanics.
My favorite games include Baldur's Gate 3, Hades, Kid Icarus Uprising, Devil May Cry, and Pokémon to name a few. I am always doing my best to remain up-to-date on the latest releases, studying what makes them unique from both a design and experience standpoint. While I primarily enjoy fighting games and RPGs, I am always open to exploring all kinds of genres.

I have many projects to showcase on this website, both from my Bradley University classes and time in the industry. I hope that my work here will pique your interest.

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